Monday, June 11, 2012

Wait Upon The Lord

In 1 Samuel 28, we learn that the Lord went silent on King Saul. Saul then took matters into his own hands and went and consulted a Medium. If you read the story of Saul you will see that he killed all mediums and witches. Anyways before God went all silent on Saul, we learn in 1 Samuel 13:13-14 that the Lord warned Saul through Prophet Samuel, the Lord told Saul that his Kingdom will be handed over to someone else because Saul didn't obey the Lord's command. Well, many are the times we act like King Saul, when God goes silent on us because of our behavior and disobedient, we tend to run back to our enemies for help. <--Uuuumm BAD IDEA. Saul's behavior caused him his life and his sons lives. When God decides not to answer you, don't get help from other sources but instead remain at His feet until He answers you. Don't stop praying, don't stop seeking Him. He won't be silent forever. Sometimes His silence means "REPENT and LISTEN to me and allow me to lead you." If Saul had obeyed the Lord, (1) He wouldn't have lost his kingdom, (2) He wouldn't have died a shameful death, (3) One of his sons MIGHT have inherited his throne. Don't cause yourself trouble that will cost you your life, your family, or your birthright. God Bless You.

Isaiah 40:31 

"but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."